7 Fun and Fulfilling Activities to Enjoy While Your Husband is Away

Okay, your husband is gone for work again, and those times may be boring and bland. Instead of feeling down, let’s make the most of this time.

You deserve to enjoy your free time, even when your husband is on the road. Embrace this opportunity to do things you love and discover new passions.

It’s your time to shine, reconnect, and explore. From engaging in new activities to rediscovering old joys, the possibilities are endless.

Here are seven tips for you that I’m sure will help you get the most out of your free time.

1. Reconnect with Friends and Family

girl friends laughing and enjoying their time

Don’t get me wrong. While your husband is at home, it doesn’t mean that you are disconnected from friends and family, haha. We even mentioned visiting family and friends in our guide on spending quality time with your husband.

But while he’s away, you may pay more attention to visiting and hanging out with them. It’s a perfect time to schedule coffee dates, lunch outings, or casual get-togethers.

Especially if you have children, visiting your parents can be a great way to let them play while you catch up with loved ones.

Spending quality time with friends and family can be refreshing and rewarding, helping you feel supported and connected.

2. Start a New Hobby or Learn a Skill

girl photography nature

There isn’t a man happier than one who comes back after a few months of work to find his wife has learned some interesting skills or started amazing hobbies she always wanted.

Trust me – speaking from the perspective of a man.

I’m sure there’s something you’ve always wanted to learn or were interested in. If you have enough time (I don’t know if you have a job, kids to take care of, etc.), try learning something new.

It will help you personally grow, and time will pass much quicker when you’re occupied with something interesting, making it feel like your husband will come home sooner.

Plus, you’ll have a lot to talk about when your husband comes home if you learn something new, especially if it’s a shared interest that you both love.

This can bring you even closer and add excitement to your conversations.

3. Redecorate or Organize Your Home

home decoration

From my experience, all women love redecorating and organizing.

That’s our nature; we’re different.

We men love building, while you love fine details and organization.

Take your time and redecorate or reorganize your home. You’ll be happier, children will be happier, and when your husband comes home, he’ll be happier as well.

Redecoration, in many cases, isn’t very expensive. It’s more about getting some inspiration and turning ideas into real things.

Related: How To Make Your Home More Romantic

Paint walls, replace lighting, and change the color of cushions on your sofa or curtains. It doesn’t have to be a big change, but it will help make your home more interesting and not always the same.

4. Stay Active with Outdoor Adventures

mom and child on adventure

This is a fantastic idea to hang out with your children if you have them.

Going outdoors will mean less TV and smartphone time for your children, which is always a good thing.

You’ll all breathe fresh air and probably learn some new skills that you and they may apply later in life.

Besides all of the above, you guys will also burn some additional calories, which is always great in the 21st century with our typically sedentary way of living.

Enjoy hiking, biking, or just a walk in the park, and make the most of your time together in nature.

5. Take Your Family on a Road Trip

family road trip

Taking your family on a road trip is a perfect way to create lasting memories while your husband is away.

Pack up the car, plan a fun route, and hit the open road to explore new places together.

Road trips offer a great opportunity to bond with your children, discover new destinations, and break the routine.

You can visit local attractions and national parks or simply enjoy the scenic drives.

Don’t forget to share some videos and images with your husband to relieve his stress and give him a glimpse of how you guys are doing without him. It will make him feel more connected and happy.

6. Plan Future Getaways or Dream Vacations

travel planning

Planning is always a good idea, and it will make your temporary time without your husband slightly easier.

Dreaming about new vacations that you all can enjoy will surely help pass the time more pleasantly.

Research destinations, create itineraries, and imagine the fun activities you could do together.

Share your ideas with your husband, and those dreams may even come true when you tell him what you thought of doing.

This shared planning can bring excitement and anticipation for when you’re reunited, making the time apart more bearable and the future brighter.

7. Connect with Other Spouses in Similar Situations

spouses talking

I come from a city where many men are sailors, and there are plenty of wives living without their husbands for six months a year.

Over time, those wives started hanging out because only they knew how hard it was being without a husband for so long.

I recommend you do the same.

Try meeting up with some spouses in similar situations so you can all share your experiences, support each other, and, of course, share advice for a better and happier marriage.

This connection can provide comfort, understanding, and companionship, making the time apart from your husband more manageable.

I hope these tips are helpful to you and that you’ll try some of them. I’m sure the time will pass quicker by doing them.

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